Tangla FMA Alumni Unit comes alive

Auxilium Tangla alumni meeting

Auxilium Tangla alumni meeting with Sr Catherine

Tangla, ( Magdalene Gonmei) – Past Pupils of Auxilium Convent High School Tangla met on 20 June to revive the association and, elected their executive members. There were 20 Past Pupils who participated.

At the commencement of the meeting Sr. Kannampuzha Catherine, the Superior spoke on the aim and objectives of the Past Pupils’ Confederation of the Salesian Sisters (FMA). She also elaborated on the functioning of the Federation at the world, province and at the local level.

The Headmistress, Sr. Pattathil Mary Joseph told the gathering, “that as the Past Pupils Association has not been active for a long time, now it is time to revive it.”
Mrs. Mitali Borah was elected President while Mr. Mukut Barman and Mr. Ajay were elected as the secretary and treasurer respectively for a term of three years.

Alumni with principal Sr Mary Joseph

Alumni with Auxilum Tangla principal Sr Mary Joseph

Sr. Mary while congratulating the new team of office bearers exhorted them to live the values they have learnt in their school days and to extend the service of love. She further suggested some activities which could be taken up, like giving tuition to the poor and weaker children, collecting and distributing clothes and stationery, visiting the sick etc.

The World Federation of the Past Pupils was founded in March 19, 1908 at the FMA house in Turin, Italy at the encouragement of the then Rector Major Fr. Filippo Rinaldi, with the aim of sharing and spreading in their neighbourhoods the values of their educational inheritance.

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